Head from AgarthaGFX with edits by Me

***Click the image to check out the original file source***

This is definitely my favorite head. This is the second head I’ve ever bought and I actually used the original head for like 7 months until I suddenly received this message:

They didn’t even give me any reason why it got deleted after months of using this head. So, I did try to upload the original head and received this message:

At this point, I edited the head as much as I can and it really wasn’t working. I seek help from artists in the Official GraalOnline Discord server. One person DM’ed me and asked to see the file. I sent the file and immediately they pointed out the white things on the hair (the sparkles and the snow). They said there are now limits on how much things you can put on the hair so, I gotta remove those. I thanked them and went to editing. I end up editing more than just that. Here’s the result:

Aside from removing ALL of the white things on the hair, I removed the dark parts on the death frames, and my favorite part that I did is that I made her look happy 💖 Ngl, I still like the original face but it really uplifts my mood whenever I see this smiling version. It's really cute and I love this a lot.

The only way to differentiate me from anyone else that has the same head is this. I edited this before the sudden refund happened. I honestly didn’t like the back of the original head, that’s why I edited it.

***Click on the image to visit Agartha’s GFX site***

If you want to look for the head on their site, scroll down on the home page then click “I’d like to browse some head uploads!“.